
Life... live it, love it, learn from it

what up??

April 22 2008, 4:39 AM

HI!!how is everyone...

just thought i would rite something on createblog n__n

neways nm been happnening just bumming around the house and then goin to school..AND GETTING WAY TO MUCH HOMEWORK!

its my dads brithday on thurdays...soo pretty much 2 days away ...i still aint got him a prezzie yet.. i have to go down the street tmorra..but i dun no what to get him??  hes soo ahrd to buy for!!

its sooo anoying T_____T

ekkk. well im off..latley i have been reading ALL of Alice Nine.\'s blog entrys ..HAHA there soo awesome. Nao makes me laugh soo much. hes just soo awesome.


bah baii.



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February 14 2008, 5:06 AM

MAH GORD ... we have a possum in one of our gum trees .. HAHA just thought yas would like to no ... hehehe .. but my brothers wanna shoot it ..  IF THEY DOO .. i will shoot them.. hehe i would ranther a Koala tho .. there awesomerer .... YEA .. or a kangeroo HAHA .. Yershh in a treee xD

NOW i MUST GO Dance the nite away with aoi have a shower...the mud cake with aoi on the top    ..YUMMY .. mud cake *starts fantasing*


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December 22 2007, 3:07 AM

OMG .. you can blog on this .. WOW  thats amazing i didn't even notice lol .. well i dont relli have anything to blog about .. actually i cant be stuffed cuz i have already bloged about it on something else  :p

NEWAYS  .. YAYA for X-Mas  onli a few days.. WHOOP PREZZIES  cant wait lol

have happy holidays everyone

xoxox tamii-roscoe


arria: that bandwidth photo is sexy, xDD JK. 01-02-08 02:47 PM


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Last update Apr 22, 2008
